Best Movies?! Yes! Best Quotes from Movies?? You bet! Tell ME in the comments below what was YOUR favorite quote from this movie. UHF 1989 Top 10 10 I don't know about this, George. We don't know the first thing about what goes on in a television station. Don't worry, Bob. It's just like working in a fish-market. Except you don't have to clean and gut fish all day. 9 "Broads don't belong in broadcasting?" Is that the kind of professional courtesy you teach your news department? Why, that's a terrible thing. I don't know how many time I've told those boys, "never call chicks broads." 8 Oh, did I do that? Oopsie! 7 Gun control is for wimps and commies. Listen, let's get one thing straight. Guns don't kill people. I do. 6 For those of you just joining us, today we're teaching poodles how to fly. 5 You know what? Nobody in this small town appreciates a guy with a good imagination. Well, maybe not the people at the lumber yard, or the miniature golf course, or Floyd's Fish Market, or any of the other places you worked in the last... month. 4 Never before in the history of motion pictures has there been a screen presence so commanding, so powerful, so deadly. He's Conan the Librarian. 3 Lesbian Nazi hookers abducted by UFOs and forced into weight loss programs... all next week on Town Talk! 2 Badgers?... Badgers?... We don't NEED no stinking Badgers! 1 Friends, there comes a time in every man's life when he has to look the potato of injustice right in the eye. Now the largest movie quote library on YouTube, Internet, World! Subscribe and God will Love you too. #BestMovieQuotes #Top10MovieQuotes #GodLovesMoviesToo